fredag 14 augusti 2009

Farewell tour


4 more days and the farewell tour to most of the harbours is done! :-)
Last monday I was working in Ålesund and did a very nice tour out to some islands where you visit a lighthouse and get the best svele (sth. like made with sourcreme and sugar!) in the whole region. From there I was sent the same evening to Geiranger to guide there the next day. Down there is one of my favourite tours, but unfortunately it was so foggy that you could hardly see anything, but it was nice to be there once again anyway. Besides, I have never stayed overnight somewhere before and already complained about it. So, I even got that one sorted out and... not only one night, but two nights since I was sent directly to Trondheim from Geiranger! It has always been nice to go up to Trondheim since it is a real city!! Unfortunately, we didn't really have time this time since we arrived at 1 am and had to hurry up after the guiding to catch the bus home. Oh and to give you an idea about the time I spent for 7 hours work in total: We left the house on onday morning at 5 am, I was back in Molde at 3 pm (working for 3 hours in between), went to Geiranger at 6:45 and arrived at midnight. Then I was working the next morning until 11:15, but had to wait until 6 for the other guides to go to Trondheim. It took us 7 hours to get there and then 5,5 hours the next day to get home. :-)
Well, now there are only two more boats for me coming to Molde - our "home Harbour" and that's it.
Yesterday I was guiding for the "Queen Mary 2" in Ålesund. I had a couple from my hometown on one of my tours which was really funny.

Tonight I am goingt o the movies with one of my flatmates and before going to visit another guide who promised us some cloudberries! :-)

See you soon!!

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